The origins of yogurt lie in the Caucasus Mountains where people have been making and eating yogurt for more than 4000 years.
Benefits of Eating Plain Yogurt
In 1980, E.Metchnikov, the Nobel Prize winning scientist wrote in his book "The Prolongation of Life" that the secret to longevity that he found in these mountains was yogurt.
Nowadays, there is a growing body of evidence that probiotics or foods that contain live bacteria should be part of your healthy diet.
To be truly effective, it is important that the beneficial bacteria in yogurt are alive and consumed regularly and in large numbers.
In addition of being a delicious and nutritious protein food providing also lots of vitamins, calcium, and other minerals for relatively few calories,
Yogurt, with live and active cultures may help:
Fresh yogurts containing live and active cultures are always kept refrigerated before consumption and have a relatively short shelf life.
Heat-treated yogurts, on the other hand, do not contain live cultures and have longer shelf lives but the health benefits derived from live yoghurt cultures are not found in them.
Thus, yogurt containing live active cultures is part of your healthy diet.
Karoun Dairies Mediterranean style all natural yogurts contain abundant live and active cultures beneficial to your health.
Karoun Dairies Home Mediterranean Plain Yogurt
At the manufacturing plant of KAROUN DAIRIES,
the milk arriving from the farm is pasteurized, yoghurt cultures are added and allowed to incubate at
carefully controlled temperature for a specified amount of time to
assure the growth of the cultures, then cooled under specific cooling
conditions to have that special taste and aroma characteristic to our
Mediterranean plain yogurt Karoun is a real delight!
Mediterranean plain yogurt Karoun is offered in the following varieties:
Mediterranean plain yogurt, full fat
Mediterranean low fat yogurt for your low fat healthy Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean non fat yogurt with no salt to allow those who follow a strict diet to enjoy the benefits of eating plain yogurt.
Mediterranean plain yogurt Karoun Dairies is produced under strict sanitary conditions for your health!
 Mediterranean Low Fat Yogurt Karoun
Mediterranean low fat yogurt Karoun is produced from partially skimmed milk for low fat and the same great taste.
Mediterranean Non Fat Yogurt Karoun To satisfy those who are on low fat diet health plan to reduce their calorie intake, watch their cholesterol level or blood pressure, we produce a non fat no salt variety of yogurt Karoun Dairies.
Mediterranean non fat yogurt Karoun is very low in calories, does not contain cholesterol and sodium, and is low in lactose.
Mediterranean plain yogurt Karoun Dairies
Ingredients: 100% fresh cow's milk, live active cultures.
Shelf life: 21 days refrigerated at 2o- 7oC.
Available in 500 g. 1 Kg. 2 Kg. 4 Kg. 5 Kg.
meaning of names:
KAROUN is springtime in Armenian and abundance in Arabic. It is the only navigable river in west central Iran and an oasis lake in the Egyptian desert.
meanings of names LABAN, MADZOUN, RAEB, YOGHURT, and YOGURT are fermented milk in different countries.
