KAROUN DAIRIES Co. is a practitioner of product innovation that relies heavily on benefit segmentation. It enters markets by introducing a new product with a new benefit rather than launching a me-too product. All KAROUN DAIRIES brand Karoun or sponsored brand products have different backgrounds.
In 1996, for the first time in Lebanon, KAROUN DAIRIES Co. introduced laban, labne yogurt cheese and yogurt drink in NO FAT- NO SALT varieties.
In 2007, KAROUN DAIRIES INC. Mediterranean cheese company registered in New Brunswick, began operations supplying Mediterranean cheeses to retailers in Canada. braided string cheese, Ackawi, Nabuls and different types specialty Mediterranean cheeses are produced in the traditional artisan Mediterranean way from first quality Canadian cow milk.
In 2008, KAROUN DAIRIES SAL licensed to, KARLACTI, Inc., a USA Mediterranean cheese company, the Karoun Dairies SAL logo, trade dress, processes and formulae.

KARLACTI brand products are now on the US market!
The Original KAROUN DAIRIES Company endorses all KARLACTI brand products which are under its constant supervision.
KARLACTI, Inc. is the exclusive licensee of KAROUN DAIRIES SAL in the USA.
Today, the Original KAROUN DAIRIES Company is well implanted in North America through its above mentioned licensees to supply the authentic Karoun Dairies Company customers dairy products and different types of cheeses produced in the most traditional way.
KAROUN DAIRIES SAL does not sponsor KAROUN, ARZ, GOPI LASSI, YANNI, Queso Del Valle, Central Valley Creamery and all other products originating from KAROUN DAIRIES, Inc. of California.
All Karoun Dairies family products sponsored and controlled by Karoun Dairies SAL are always stamped with quality sign since 1931.
KAROUN DAIRIES Company's objective has always been to make available to every individual fresh dairy products and Mediterranean cheeses of premium quality by applying hygienic practices.
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