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Fermented Yogurt Products Health Benefits
Live Active Cultures Fermented Products Karoun Dairies
Yogurt is produced by incubating milk by adding to it a small amount of culture composed of lactic acid bacteria usually Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus.
At KAROUN DAIRIES, in a delicate process, these microorganisms transform the natural sugar found in milk (Lactose) into lactic acid. As they develop in the milk, these beneficial quality bacteria coagulate the milk and create the flavors that give fermented yogurt products their particular quality and taste.
Karoun Dairies all natural Mediterranean specialty cultured dairy products are manufactured for you, to enjoy all the health benefits of fermented yogurt.
Beneficial Quality Fermented Yogurt
Nowadays, there is a growing
body of evidence that probiotics or foods that contain live and active cultures have health benefits. Diet is one of the most important factors influencing the complex processes of ageing. Fermented yogurt benefits in the dietary
prevention of age-related disorders due to its health benefits. With regard to nutrition, the health benefits of fermented yogurt include helping to maintain food and water intake, which are often reduced in older people.
An important research finding regarding health benefits, scientists have proven that lactic acid bacteria found in yogurt products can pass through the various barriers in the digestive tract and arrive in the intestine in their live state helping restore and maintain the intestinal flora so essential to digestion and good health
Eating yogurt products containing beneficial quality bacteria while taking antibiotics provides one of the important health benefits of live and active cultures. The live and active cultures in yogurt products can help replenish the intestines with beneficial bacteria before the harmful ones take over
Live acid bacteria also
prevent undesirable cultures from forming in the finished product, thereby keeping it pure and fresh.
Dairy products, with live and active cultures may help also decrease symptoms of
lactose intolerance. This is why many people whose body has difficulty
in making use of lactose are able to consume yogurt products Karoun with great pleasure
Encouraging early results suggest that fermented milk has a positive
effect on the immune defense system, intestinal transit, muscle mass
and cardiovascular disease. Other avenues that merit investigation
include colon cancer and cataract.
To be truly effective, it is
important that the beneficial quality bacteria in yogurt products are alive and and consumed regularly in large numbers.
Fresh yogurt products containing live and active cultures are always kept refrigerated before consumption and have a relatively short shelf life.
Heat-treated yogurt products, on the other hand, do not contain live active cultures and have longer shelf lives but the health benefits derived from live active cultures are not found in
Thus you should beware of
consuming heat treated yogurt products, be it set or stirred, plain, flavored or
mixed with fruits.
Read attentively on the
packaging of Mediterranean specialty cultured LABNE strained yogurt.
If it mentions "heat treated after incubation", most probably it does not contain live active cultures.
UHT treated Ayran yogurt drink does not contain any live beneficial quality bacteria in it.
KAROUN DAIRIES' objective has always been to make available to every individual Mediterranean specialty cultured fresh dairy products Karoun of beneficial quality by applying hygienic practices. We guarantee that Mediterranean specialty cultured, fermented products Karoun contain live active cultures beneficial to your health.
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