Karoun Dairies Karoun Cheese Dairy ProductsHome Company Profile Dairy Products Cheeses String Cheese Yogurt Cheese Yogurts Yogurt Drink |
Karoun DairyCheese Manufacturing Plant |
The original KAROUN dairy "LAITERIE KAROUN" was established in Beirut, in 1931, by Ohannes Baghdassarian who, appropriately, chose as the company's name and trademark the Armenian word for springtime. From humble beginnings in a small store front on Georges Picot street, downtown Beirut, Lebanon, Karoun Dairies had a great impact on the Lebanese dairy industry. Highest Quality Mediterranean Dairy Products |
A pioneer in the Middle Eastern dairy industry, Karoun dairy introduced a multitude of outstanding innovations: Early 1950's Karoun Dairy introduced pasteurization. |
Since startup, Karoun dairy is dedicated to produce the highest quality of pure and natural cheese and dairy products. |
Karoun Dairy Products Company Mission KAROUN DAIRIES is a practitioner of product innovation that relies heavily on benefit segmentation. It enters markets by introducing a new product with a new benefit rather than launching a me-too product. KAROUN DAIRIES brand different types cheese and dairy products have different backgrounds. KAROUN DAIRIES motto is ICEE: In 2007, KAROUN DAIRIES INC. cheese company incorporated in New Brunswick, began operations supplying Mediterranean different types cheese to retailers in Canada. Karoun brand Mediterranean original braided string cheese, Ackawi cheese, Nabulsi cheese, grilling cheese and different types cheese are produced in the traditional artisan Mediterranean way from first quality Canadian cow milk. In 2008, KAROUN DAIRIES SAL licensed to, KARLACTI, Inc., a USA corporation, the Karoun Dairies brand logo, trade dress, processes and formulae to use for Karlacti different types cheese and dairy products. KARLACTI brand different types cheese are now on the US market! The Original KAROUN DAIRIES SAL endorses all KARLACTI brand products which are under its constant supervision. KARLACTI, Inc. is the exclusive licensee of KAROUN DAIRIES SAL in USA. Today, the Original KAROUN DAIRIES is well implanted in North America through its above mentioned licensees to serve its clients dairy products and different types cheese. WARNING! KAROUN DAIRIES SAL does not sponsor KAROUN, ARZ, GOPI LASSI, YANNI, Queso Del Valle, Central Valley Creamery and all other products originating from KAROUN DAIRIES, Inc. of California. All Karoun Dairies family products sponsored and controlled by Karoun Dairies SAL are always stamped with Karoun Dairies President and CEO, Mr. Ara Baghdassarian, grown in the family dairy business is a food quality expert. |
Mr. Ara Baghdassarian, Founder and CEO of Karoun Dairies and Karlacti, Inc. occupied the following positions: |
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